Wednesday, November 6, 2013

全文和訳: 福島のタブー?政治家が日本の天皇陛下を原発論争に巻き込む by RT


Fukushima taboo? Politician draws Japanese Emperor into nuclear controversy 
(Published time: October 31, 2013 16:07)


2013年10月31日、東京の赤坂御苑で開かれていた 秋の園遊会で、美智子皇后(右)が見守る中、日本の山本太郎議員〔左から3番目)が、明仁天皇(前列中央)に手紙を手渡す。(ロイター・Kazuhiro Nogi)



能弁な反原発活動家は、彼が東京の北に位置する福島原子力発電所での危機を「直接」、天皇に伝えたかったと述べた。 2011年3月に、日本の太平洋沿岸を襲った東日本大震災は、福島第一の原子炉を破損させる津波を引き起こした。それ以来、福島原発からの放射能漏れ続き、15万人以上の人々を避難させることになった。工場周辺の土地は、がんやその他の健康上の問題を引き起こす可能性が高い放射線のため、立ち入り禁止となっている。

写真: 2013年9月19日、福島県大隈町の津波によって破損した東京電力の福島第一原発への視察で、防護服とマスクを身につけた日本の首相、安倍晋三(赤いヘルメット)は、福島第一原発所長の小野明氏(右から4番目)より放射能汚染巣院について説明を受ける。(Reutes/Japan out)






日本では天皇が儀式での役割を果たす。戦後の日本国憲法第一条によると、天皇は"日本国の象徴であり日本国民統合の象徴であって、この地位は、主権の存する日本国民の総意に基く。"とされる。 日本の議会、 国会が、 立法権の最高機関であり続ける一方で、天皇は通常、国会を招集する。又、天皇は、市民に栄典を授与したり、外国大使の接受をする。

2013年10月31日に赤坂御苑で開催された秋の園遊会で招待客にむかって、美智子皇后や皇室のメンバーと歩く日本の明仁天皇(右から二人目)。(Reuters/Kazuhiro Nogi)



問題に取り組むための試みの中で、日本政府は、政府関連機関に原子炉の問題と廃止を手渡しながら、東京電力から被災地を除染する責任を取り除くことを検討している。 (リンク)




Fukushima taboo? Politician draws Japanese Emperor into nuclear controversy

An anti-nuclear lawmaker broke a taboo, drawing heavy criticism in Japan, by handing the Emperor a letter of concern over the issue of the growing Fukushima radiation and the impact on children’s health.

Taro Yamamoto, an independent lawmaker at the Tokyo prefecture in the House of Councilors, the upper house of the Japanese parliament, personally handed the letter to Emperor Akihito during a party at the Akasaka Palace’s imperial garden on Thursday.

The vocal anti-nuclear activist said that he wanted to inform the Emperor “directly” of the crisis at the Fukushima nuclear plant north of Tokyo. The Tohoku earthquake that hit off Japan’s Pacific coast in March 2011 triggered a tsunami that damaged nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi. Since then the plant has been leaking radioactivity leading to the evacuation of more than 150 000 people. The land surrounding the plant has been off-limits due to high radiation that can cause cancer and other health problems.

"I wanted him to know about the children who have been contaminated by radiation. If this goes on, there will be serious health impacts," said Yamamoto.

Emperor Akihito inclined his head as he took the letter in his hand but then handed it to a chamberlain, said Yamamoto adding that His Imperial Majesty made no comment.

The politician’s initiative set off a storm of protest in the Japanese media with many saying that his action was inappropriate breaking the “taboo” of involving a member of the Imperial Family in politics.

Some critical netizens called on Yamamoto to resign from parliament calling his action “really low."

Chief cabinet secretary, Yasuhide Suga, also expressed disapproval, telling a news conference, "There is a line for appropriate behavior at such an occasion".

The Emperor in Japan fills a ceremonial role. According to the first article of the postwar constitution, the emperor is “the symbol of the State and of the unity of the people, deriving his position from the will of the people with whom resides sovereign power." While the Japanese parliament - the Diet – remains the highest organ of state power, the emperor usually convenes it. His Majesty also bestows decorations on deserving citizens and receives foreign ambassadors.

The politician’s concern comes as the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the operator of the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant responsible for the decontamination, struggles to cope with the aftermath of the nuclear crisis.

At the beginning of October the combined Cesium-134 and Cesium-137 readings just outside the damaged No. 2 reactor jumped to 1,200 becquerels per liter, the highest levels of radiation recorded since late 2011.

In attempts to tackle the problem, the Japanese government is reportedly considering stripping the Fukushima nuclear operator of the responsibility to decontaminate the devastated station, while handing the issue and decommissioning of reactors from TEPCO to a government-affiliatedorganization. (link)

Amid rising concerns, UN scientists said that traces of radioactive contamination have been found in rice, and far out in the Pacific Ocean.

Nuclear power expert, Arnold Gundersen, told RT that the health risks are great and continue to increase every year.

“Somewhere between 100,000 to 1,000,000 [people] will over the next thirty years get cancer from this accident...1,000 additional cancers a year from eating fish from the Pacific.”

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