Friday, July 17, 2015








上動画の音声とその和訳 :

Japanese troops set to fight overseas for first time since World War Two
It looks like turning into a long hot political summer in Tokyo. On the street anger against prime minister Abe and his government is growing. Here's some of the biggest demonstrations we have been seeing in Japan in recent years. You can see the other side of street here. Probably 10,000 ~20,000 people here this evening. They are coming out every night.


The reason they're coming out here is because inside of the parliament LDP the ruling party has just passed a new bill from committee that would allow Japanese troops to gunfight overseas for the first time since the WWII.


Inside the chamber passions were also running high as opposition MPs tried to stop the vote from going ahead. This sort of behavior is almost unheard of here. Outside the crowd is addressed by one of 9 thousand academics who declared the new security bill to be unconstitutional.

野党議員たちが採決を阻止しようとしたとき、議事堂内でも激しいやり取りがありました。このようなふるまいはこの国では ほとんどありえないことです。 外で群集は、法案を違憲だと批判する9000人の学者の1人の演説に耳を傾けています。

"Mr. Abe is trying to change the constitution by making legislation. This is a denial of constitutionalism. So, I must say that liberal democracy in Japan is facing the deepest crisis in the post war history. " 


Japan's youth usually written off as apathetic and apolitical appears to suddenly wake up. (?)


Is it a new law you are angry about? or Prime Minister Abe you are the most angry about?

記者『みなさんが怒っているのは新しい法律について? それとも一番怒っているのは安倍首相について?』  

Motoyama Jinshiro (Student): "I'm angry about both, law and Prime Minister Abe. This new bill is against Japanese constitution and article 9. Prime Minister Abe don't understand the Japanese constitution and constitutionalism. So, this is the danger of Japanese democracy." 


Mr. Abe will not lose for the vote in the parliament, but this could be the beginning of a long fight for the future of Japan.


These protesters not just trying to stop young Japanese men for being set up overseas to fight again, but this is really about battle about what Japan's constitution means. These people believe the post war constitution is precious gift given to Japan by the Americans.

デモに参加している人たちは、日本の若者が再び海外の戦いに送られるのを止めようとしているだけではなく、これは実は日本の憲法が何を意味するのかをめぐる闘いなのです。 この人たちは戦後憲法はアメリカが日本にもたらした貴重な贈り物だと思っています。

Prime Minister Abe and his supporters inside the parliament believes it would humiliation imposed on Japan by the American congress. In the end they'd like to get rid of it.



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